Decentralized schema and data migration Changing the data structures of production applications can be complex and error prone.
Four Problems for Local-first Software At Local-first Conf in Berlin, we noticed four common themes being discussed by developers.
Composer Why we're building a super-app Composer is an open source "Super App" that provides teams with a fully customizable and extensible teams in a single integrated environment.
User invitations in local-first collaborative applications HALO is a decentralized identity and access control protocol that makes it easier to build collaborative applications.
What is "Cloudless" software? There are still signaling servers for peer discovery, but all data exchange happens peer-to-peer, and no servers have access to the data.
December 2023 Recap Explore the power of the Effect ecosystem and community with us in Vienna, Austria on February 22-24.
November 2023 Recap We proposed a "hub & spoke" networking model to work alongside the peer to peer model in data-sovereign sync scenarios.
DXOS at Local-First Software Unconference 2023 The day after Strange Loop, Saturday, September 23, DXOS sponsored an unconference